
Are you looking for products that can be displayed proudly, are fun to collect and are unique to each individual's talents and interests? Then you've come to the right spot because our Fun Patch category has all that you need to start your embroidered crest collection! Does your child need badges to fill out her sash, vest, or campfire blanket? Our Fun Patch categories are filled with crests that can be earned during events, in after school activities, or at camps. Regular embroidered patch Sequin applique Chenille patch Compound embroidered patch 3D embroidered patch Beaded appliques Can't find the style in your favor? Please pass your own design to us online or through email. Or you may advise the style you want, our designer will make the artwork for your approval. How to Order?Regular Embroidered Patches Made in China website:

  • Creado: 05-08-20
  • Última sesión: 05-08-20

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